Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Qigong & Inner Alchemy Update

Greetings everyone,

Items covered in this update:
***New Medical Qigong group for Five Branches students
***New Office Space
***Calendar of Events
***1) Certification Courses in Medical Qigong
***2) Retreats
***Facebook & LinkedIn

This is a short update, as most spring time classes have already begun, and I'm already thinking about leaving for Amma's US tour for a good part of the summer.

******New Medical Qigong group for Five Branches students

I recently set up a special google group for all my past and current students of Medical Qigong at Five Branches University. Rather than an announcement list like this, the Medical Qigong group contains files, study sheets, certification info, class info, and documents related to Medical Qigong, all of which can be accessed by logging into the group. Membership is required, so if you would like to be added, please let me know.

******New Office Space

Several weeks ago I rented new office space on East Hamilton Ave. right near the intersection of Hamilton and HW 17. I am really enjoying this new location, and am currently receiving clients on Mondays. With the spring season upon us, this is an excellent time to consider starting the warmer months with private instruction, treatments, consultations, or any combination thereof. More info:

******Calendar of Events

******1) Certification Courses in Medical Qigong

Active Qi Cultivation, 16 hour (CEU) course
March 29th & April 26th, 9 am - 6 pm
This course is a part of the Medical Qigong certification program at Five Branches University.
Prerequisites: Medical Qigong Level 1 completed or concurrent enrollment, or equivalent experience.
Course description: The Active Qi Cultivation course, wonderfully energizing and enriching, enables students to dive deeper into energetic cultivation for health and longevity. A complete set of practices is reviewed, deepening one's understanding of how to use Medical Qigong for self healing, as homework prescriptions to clients, and as a healing modality. Group practice, as well as the instructor's gentle presence and guiding support, create a rich atmosphere for the refinement of these subtle arts.
More info:

Medical Qigong Level 01 and 02 will begin again in the Fall of 2009 at Five Branches.

******2) Retreats

Walking the Path, presented by Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB)
Sat, Sept. 26, 2009, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday day-long programs include instructions in both sitting and walking mindfulness practices and focus on the development of a particular quality each month. There will be a wonderful Qigong movement session in the morning 10:30-11:30. For 2009, the afternoon dharma talks will focus on the Eight-Fold Noble Path.
More info:

Meditation and Qigong Retreat at MA Center
Our next event is planned for the fall of 2009, after the Summer Tour. A date should be known soon and will be posted on the web site:

******Facebook & LinkedIn

I welcome invitations via Facebook or LinkedIn:

(LI recommendations are always greatly appreciated!)

As always, suggestions are welcome, and please feel free to forward this mail to others who may want this information.

Thank you for all your support!

Remove the 'I' and 'you', and you will find that there is only love.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)