Monday, December 21, 2009

Solstice Qigong Update


Greetings every one. I hope this update finds you in good health and well being.

In this update:
*** Solstice Experiences
*** Travels with Amma
*** Upcoming Classes and Retreats

*** Solstice Experiences

It has been the most powerful, and beautiful, solstice transition that I can remember. I was very fortunate that, after such an intense semester, I had a window of no activity during the solstice time, before things got busy again with the Christmas holiday. Just like every other year, I made plans to spend the seasonal transition practicing inner alchemy and puja, as well as setting intentions for this next cycle of expansion. When Yin reaches its peak, the seed of Yang is born, making it a particularly auspicious time for setting intentions, as well as for cultivating one's energy and spirit. The intentions set at this time are like seeds that awaken from dormancy, animated by the Yang life force energy as it emerges from the darkness of Yin.

When Yin reaches its peak, it is a natural time of stillness and slowing down, offering a powerful opportunity to go deep within oneself. In returning to our essence, we can perceive that which is essential, and that which is non essential. In that space of stillness and clarity, intentions emerge that reflect our essence, which can then take form and shape in the year to come. Riding the current of the solar cycle, the intentions are imbued with life force energy for manifestation as the Yang begins to rise and expand. This happened precisely at 9:47 am on Monday, and will continue to do so until Yang reaches its peak at summer solstice, and the cycle of decline begins. In reflecting on recent years, nearly all intentions that I've set consciously in this way, coupled with spiritual practices, have come to beautiful fruition. Following the natural laws of energetic movement simply makes good sense.

This year, the seasonal transition has been particularly powerful. I've had a more personal experience of the veils thinning between the various realms, facilitating the transmission of information from one realm to the next. I've also had a deeper experience of what it means to transform Shen into Wuji (spirit into void), the 3rd alchemical transformation described in Daoist inner alchemy. Opening various gates along the spine and washing the Sea of Marrow has also been greatly facilitated during this time, a process that began in the presence of Amma during my travels with her in November.

In Daoist cultivation, in terms of the solar cycle, there are eight times each year that are particularly auspicious for inner work, austerities, and spiritual practices. Four of these times are marked by the winter / summer solstice and spring / fall equinox. (Zi, Mao, Wu, and You) The other four points include the exact midpoints between these times. Each of these points marks an extra powerful time for cultivation, as highly evolved spirits are much more active, and the energy is especially high. The idea here is "twice the effect for half the effort." Any form of meditation, contemplation, intention setting, as well as practicing loving kindness, forgiveness, and selflessness, are all greatly amplified during this time.

After some stillness and contemplation in the time leading into the solstice, I've set some wonderful intentions for the current cycle that began on Monday. As an example, one of my "seeds" reads like this: "I am confident in teaching medical qigong to doctors, TCM practitioners, acupuncturists, and anyone else." The reason for this seed is that, in the last year, I realized that I've been feeling some intimidation in teaching this material, especially when some of my students have been practicing Chinese medicine longer than I've been alive in this body! =) Of course, the more I teach this medicine, the more I realize that what I received through both my Daoist and Sanatana Dharma lineages, they don't teach in acupuncture school. And so I realize more and more that we are all exchanging information with each other, as I study acupuncture/ herbology, and teach Daoist alchemy. Its a beautiful trade! Working with this "seed" has already brought about much insight and transformation into my purpose, as well as illuminating the "darker" aspects of my personality that hinder the full expression of these arts.

*** Travels with Amma

Since the last update, I've had the opportunity to be with Amma for 2 weeks, including one week in San Ramon and another week in Michigan, for Thanksgiving. Time with her is always life altering. She holds the vibration of pure presence and divine consciousness, while being in the flesh, and tangible for all of us to see and experience. The depth of her love and compassion continue to dawn on me, as more awareness increases over the years of following her teachings and example. The realization that came to me in San Ramon this last time, was just how much seva, or selfless service, really is karma yoga. A deep experience washed over me, of how all of us on staff, and anyone lending a hand to help the programs, feed the people, etc., are all yogis... practicing yoga. All of the service rendered had a deep and tangible sense of being spiritual practice, yoga, helping all of us merge into the divine presence.

A powerful slide show of Amma pictures, which contain a video towards the middle of the segment, can be found here:
I've been playing this over and over during this special solstice time. =) Seeing Amma with her arms raised towards heaven like that is so sweet!

*** Upcoming Classes and Retreats

At Five Branches University (San Jose campus):

In the spring term, I will only teach the Level 2 qigong course at Five Branches, as Francesca Ferrari will teach the Level 1 course as an intensive. The dates are arranged so that both courses can be taken sequentially:

Level 1 (with Francesca)
Saturday and Sunday, January 16 & 17, 30 & 31 (32 Hours/CEUs)
9 am - 6:30 pm (1.5 hour lunch)
Level 1 offers an extensive introduction into qigong practices for health, and how they can be modified to address specific organ and channel disharmonies in the body. We also learn several shengong (spirit skill) meditations that enhance our energetic awareness and qi projection skills. The course includes both practical application and theoretical understanding of cultivation for health and energetic detoxification.
More information: Mimi Latno

Level 2 (with Tom)
Sundays, February 7, 21, and March 7, 28 (32 Hours/CEUs)
9 am - 6 pm (1 hour lunch)
In level 2, we practice advanced shengong (spirit skill) meditations designed to open one's prenatal awareness, facilitating greater diagnostic as well as energetic projection skills. We also bridge the gap between personal cultivation and the application of energetic skills on a treatment table.
More information:

We will offer Level 1 and 2 again in the Fall of 2010.


Insight Meditation South Bay presents:
Ennobling Truths
A Day of Meditation plus Qigong
with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt
Saturday, January 30, 2010 9:30 am — 5:00 pm
Edwards Hall of St Timothyís Church
2094 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040
More information:

Qigong at MA Center:
I would like to offer at least one qigong day at MA Center in the first part of 2010. The format will likely be similar to those of the past, including the "sound bath" meditation by Anaghan. Stay tuned for details, as I'll be setting this up over the next few weeks.

Thanks for reading this far! =) I hope to see you all sometime soon.

Tom (Yogeshwar)

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

October Qigong Update

Greetings everyone,

My last update went out in June, at the very beginning of the summer tour with Amma. Even though I have been quiet since my return in late July, a lot of movement has been happening in my world. I've taken a lot more courses this semester towards my acupuncture license, and am also teaching a Level 1 and Level 2 qigong course at Five Branches. Life is moving along rather quickly these days, sprinkled with grace and momentum. Since this is the first update after tour (as I've been caught in the whirlwind and haven't found time to write) I'll include a few notes from the road with Amma.

In this update:
*** Notes from the Road (with Amma)
*** Calendar of Events
*** Crystal Bowls, Kirtan, and Sacred Sounds

*** Notes from the Road (with Amma)

These are thoughts I wrote down as the tour was coming to a close:

"The coming end of this tour means that each moment is filled with an extra specialness, knowing that it will all be over so soon. The mind becomes more present, as it recognizes that these moments will all slip away forever... A new life is about to begin, like the old life, only this time with new awareness. It will all be the same, and yet it will all be different, because I have changed..."

"The flowers have been thrown! The great mandala that formed around Amma is dissolving. All the intricately laid pieces, the people, are now being blown in all directions by the changing winds of time. Dissolution creates space to allow new mandalas to form, new adventures, new experiences. New arrangements with new people, and some of the old, in ever changing forms and patterns... Amma has sustained us for almost 2 months, holding the divine vibration around which this mandala formed, all of us coming together to participate in this great adventure. Now it dissolves forever like the sands swept away by Tibetan monks. Each city was a new rendition of this mandala, dissolving and reforming, dissolving and reforming. Tour is an absolute exercise in impermanence, and constant change. Now change sweeps again, and we are off to our own individual adventures, to participate in other mandalas, some out in the world, others continuing on to India, but all of us filled with a divine love that only a realized one can give... Jai Jai Ma!"

"We said goodbye to Amma at the airport, and I've just landed at the Toronto ashram for a nite, before the long flight home tomorrow. This is a great pause in between worlds, as the work of integration is about to begin. It was a bitter sweet goodbye at the airport. She sat with us for just moments, which on the inside spiraled into infinity. I can still see that look of parting in her eyes, all the sadness of the devotees reflected, and her deep compassion. Then in a moment it was all over... The Toronto ashram is really sweet and beautiful. It is a great stop over point before heading home. Amma was here just a few hours before us."

"I am getting ready to say goodbye to the Toronto ashram, all packed for the airport, and leaving shortly. This morning, tears of gratitude for all I had experienced in the last 2 months, finding that space of no mind before thought and desire arise, a space where sublime happiness dwells, usually obscured by the cares of the world... Longing to stay connected to that very source of pure joy and happiness that is uncaused, but rather is our own very true nature, that exists before all cares, thoughts, desires, and ripples in the mind arise. The lake is still, like a mirror, and all else just comes and goes like a reflection..."

*** Calendar of Events

1) Qigong and Meditation Retreat at MA Center
Sunday, October 11, 2009, 9 am - 2:30 pm
Includes "sound bath" meditation by Jaire Vieira (Anaghan)
More information:

2) Insight Meditation South Bay presents "Walking the Path"
Lead by Shaila Catherine and qigong movement by Tom Leichardt
Saturday, January 30, 2010, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
More information:

Medical Qigong Certification: Five Branches University
Both our Level 1 and Level 2 courses for the fall semester have already begun. We plan to offer both of these courses again in the Spring trimester that begins in January 2010.

*** Crystal Bowls, Kirtan, and Sacred Sounds

Jaire Vieira (Anaghan) has been playing crystal bowls at several retreats that I've lead. Jaire is bringing the sacred sound to many people around the bay area, and has a calendar of events on his website. If any of you have enjoyed his work, you might want to visit him at:

Also, my good friend Prajna Vieira sings and leads kirtan with her band Mukti. They just released their CD, filled with divine music, sound, and inspiration. You can check them out at:

Thanks for reading this update.

May all beings benefit from our pursuits.

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Photo taken at Qingchengshan (青城山), Daoist Lineage Home

Monday, April 20, 2009

Active Qi Cultivation this Sunday

Greetings Everyone,

This is a quick update to let everyone know we are having our daylong Active Qi Cultivation class this Sunday at Five Branches University. This class is open to all who have either taken Level 1, are currently taking Level 1, or have taken Qigong from me in the past (retreats, workshops, etc.)

Course Description:
The Active Qi Cultivation course, wonderfully energizing and enriching, enables students to dive deeper into energetic cultivation for health and longevity. A complete set of practices is reviewed, deepening one's understanding of how to use Medical Qigong for self healing, as homework prescriptions to clients, and as a healing modality. Group practice, as well as the instructor's gentle presence and guiding support, create a rich atmosphere for the refinement of these subtle arts. Active Qi Cultivation is a part of the requirements for certification at Five Branches University, but can also be taken by itself.

We'll spend the day alternating between sitting, standing, and movement practices, creating a rich flow of energy and movement. The day is also an excellent opportunity to ask questions about cultivation, and the many inner transitions that occur as a result of practice.

These 8 hours can be a powerful gift to give oneself, as it sets an intention for rejuvenation, transformation, healing, and realigning with the flow of creative divine energy.

Course Details:
Date & Time: Sunday, April 26th, from 9 am - 6pm
Location: Five Branches University, San Jose campus
This is a CEU course (8 hours), and a part of the Medical Qigong Certification Program for those that are interested in that path.

Registration Information:
Register through Five Branches University. Please call Mimi Latno at 408-260-0208 x216 or email her at:

Picture: Qingchengshan, Main Temple, home of my Daoist Lineage

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Qigong & Inner Alchemy Update

Greetings everyone,

Items covered in this update:
***New Medical Qigong group for Five Branches students
***New Office Space
***Calendar of Events
***1) Certification Courses in Medical Qigong
***2) Retreats
***Facebook & LinkedIn

This is a short update, as most spring time classes have already begun, and I'm already thinking about leaving for Amma's US tour for a good part of the summer.

******New Medical Qigong group for Five Branches students

I recently set up a special google group for all my past and current students of Medical Qigong at Five Branches University. Rather than an announcement list like this, the Medical Qigong group contains files, study sheets, certification info, class info, and documents related to Medical Qigong, all of which can be accessed by logging into the group. Membership is required, so if you would like to be added, please let me know.

******New Office Space

Several weeks ago I rented new office space on East Hamilton Ave. right near the intersection of Hamilton and HW 17. I am really enjoying this new location, and am currently receiving clients on Mondays. With the spring season upon us, this is an excellent time to consider starting the warmer months with private instruction, treatments, consultations, or any combination thereof. More info:

******Calendar of Events

******1) Certification Courses in Medical Qigong

Active Qi Cultivation, 16 hour (CEU) course
March 29th & April 26th, 9 am - 6 pm
This course is a part of the Medical Qigong certification program at Five Branches University.
Prerequisites: Medical Qigong Level 1 completed or concurrent enrollment, or equivalent experience.
Course description: The Active Qi Cultivation course, wonderfully energizing and enriching, enables students to dive deeper into energetic cultivation for health and longevity. A complete set of practices is reviewed, deepening one's understanding of how to use Medical Qigong for self healing, as homework prescriptions to clients, and as a healing modality. Group practice, as well as the instructor's gentle presence and guiding support, create a rich atmosphere for the refinement of these subtle arts.
More info:

Medical Qigong Level 01 and 02 will begin again in the Fall of 2009 at Five Branches.

******2) Retreats

Walking the Path, presented by Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB)
Sat, Sept. 26, 2009, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday day-long programs include instructions in both sitting and walking mindfulness practices and focus on the development of a particular quality each month. There will be a wonderful Qigong movement session in the morning 10:30-11:30. For 2009, the afternoon dharma talks will focus on the Eight-Fold Noble Path.
More info:

Meditation and Qigong Retreat at MA Center
Our next event is planned for the fall of 2009, after the Summer Tour. A date should be known soon and will be posted on the web site:

******Facebook & LinkedIn

I welcome invitations via Facebook or LinkedIn:

(LI recommendations are always greatly appreciated!)

As always, suggestions are welcome, and please feel free to forward this mail to others who may want this information.

Thank you for all your support!

Remove the 'I' and 'you', and you will find that there is only love.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Medical Qigong Level 1 starts this Sunday

Greetings everyone,

This is a quick reminder that our level 1 course in Medical Qigong starts this Sunday (Feb. 22nd) in San Jose at Five Branches University.

This course includes a substantial amount of practical experience in a wide variety of Medical Qigong exercises and meditations, which positively affect your health and well being on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. The course also covers theories of energetic cultivation, including ancient Daoist metaphysics, the relationship of the soul and spirit to our physical life, personality and the divine. We'll also explore energetic embryology in relationship to these metaphysics, and as the beginning of energetic patterns that affect our lives. Our practices will help each person begin experiencing these different planes of consciousness, while learning to move energy through the meridian system for health and well being.

I always look forward to these collective journeys, as the group momentum continually helps me to go deeper into these practices, and it is a joy to share them with others.

The course is 32 hours, spread out in 8 hour increments (9am - 6pm) on the following 4 Sundays: Feb. 22, March 15, April 5, May 3. CEUs are available.

For registration information, please contact Kristina at Five Branches University: You can address any other questions to me.

Blessings, Tom

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Monday, January 26, 2009

February Qigong Update, Happy Chinese New Year!

Greetings everyone,

In this update:

*** Adventures in Thailand
*** China Trip
*** Chinese New Year
*** Upcoming Qigong & Meditation Events:
------ Qigong & Meditation Retreats
------ Medical Qigong Certification at Five Branches University

*** Adventures in Thailand

On January 19th, I returned home from my Thailand adventure, refreshed and renewed. The Thai culture is remarkably sweet, and the people are very kind, gentle, respectful, and easy going. It is so wonderful to slow down to their speed, and to really notice each day filled with so much depth - a richness that we so often miss at home with everything moving so fast. Quite often, one day literally feels like 3 days, as time slows down to a serene and gentle pace. Sometimes called the "land of a thousand smiles," Thailand lives up to its name, as there are many upon many genuinely happy people there, with real heartfelt smiles.

The majority of my sightseeing includes temples (called 'wats' in Thai) which are quite numerous both in rural and metropolitan areas. In many locations, there seems to be a wat around each corner and on every street. As I make my way through the streets, roads, and back roads of Thailand, I am sure that all the meditation, changing, and spiritual practices performed in these wats really helps keep the collective consciousness more pure, clear, open, and peaceful. Generally speaking, the psychic atmosphere seems so much less polluted by the negative energy we see and feel in other parts of the world.

A slideshow of temples, some group photos, and other noteworthy adventures, can be viewed at:

Teaching the Qigong course in Thailand was a powerful experience in many ways. Sometimes it pushed my growth edges and challenged me to expand, and at other times it was the sweetest forum for sharing Daoist cosmology, meditations and energetic practices. I am grateful to have had so much time to practice, to share the practices with others, and to be immersed in such a beautiful place while doing it too! The overall conclusion: traveling and teaching are the best!

*** China Trip

While in Thailand, often I felt a strong and clear presence of my Daoist home at Qingchengshan (青城山), China. Floods of images came to me including temples as well as the mountain's natural beauty and charming tranquility. Eventually, it occurred to me - how wonderful would it be to bring a group to this magical place! Qingchengshan is one of the holy mountains of China, one of the ancient cradles of Daoism, and a place of sublime magic and healing energy. And so, like a seed, the intention was born to coalesce a group of people to bring to the sacred mountain, a perfect place to share and practice Qigong and the Daoist arts. I will share more details about this in the coming weeks. If this idea lights a spark inside you, please let me know!

*** Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year begins with the new moon, this year on the morning of January 26th, as we transition from Rat Year into Ox Year. Rat is the first of 12 Chinese zodiac signs, a time of new beginnings. Perhaps you've seen many new beginnings in your life as we brought in this new 12 year cycle over the course of the last 12 months. Certainly, as a nation we began a whole new chapter, filled with the seeds of change, possibilities, and new directions. Ox Year is all about stabilizing these new seeds, ideas, and directions into definite paths, making our idealism manifest into form, with concrete, steadfast, and consistent action. If Rat Year brought you the opportunities for new directions, the new year is a time to transform them into tangible reality through even, steady, and unwavering commitment.

*** Upcoming Qigong & Meditation Events

Many exciting events are planned for the winter and spring of 2009, in terms of retreats as well as the pursuit of Qigong as a medical practice. Our two retreats are listed first, and following are certification courses in Medical Qigong at Five Branches University (FBU) in San Jose.

------ Retreats ------

Eight-Fold Noble Path Series: RIGHT VIEW & UNDERSTANDING
A Day of Meditation plus Qigong
with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt
Saturday January 31, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm in Mountain View

Meditation & Qigong Daylong Retreat at MA Center
February 15th, 9 am - 4 pm.
Spend a day in deep peace and relaxation, alternating between the subtle and graceful movements of Qigong and the depths of stillness in sitting meditation. The beautiful ashram grounds and atmosphere, charged with a powerful sacred presence, will help us restore, rejuvenate, and bring balance to our lives. This event is suitable for all levels of practice. Guest teacher Anaghan will once again finish the retreat by leading us in a "sound bath" meditation with his celestial gong, crystal bowls, and other instruments.
More Information:

------ Medical Qigong Certification at Five Branches University ------

Level I: Personal Cultivation & Intro to Medical Qigong
32 hour course towards certification (CEU's available)
Medical Qigong can be used as a modality to help others by learning to rebalance their body's energy. The first level course focuses on personal cultivation, learning to work with one's own energy to create powerful changes on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Both theory and practical applications are covered.

Two choices exist for this Level I course:

Sundays, Feb 22, March 15, April 5, May 3, 9 am - 6 pm (CEU's available)

Mondays Feb. 9 - June 1 (break May 25), 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Level II: Advanced Shengong Cultivation & Intro to Medical Qigong Treatments
32 hour course towards certification (CEU's available)
For those who completed Level 1.
Sundays March 1, 22, April 19, May 17

Active Qi Cultivation for Level 1
16 hour course towards certification (CEU's available)
For those enrolled in or have completed Level 1.
Sundays March 29, April 26

Wishing all an auspicious New Year!

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)