Sunday, December 19, 2010

Solstice: How to Use the Solar Cycle for Inner Work

Greetings everyone,

In this post:

****** Solstice: How to Use the Solar Cycle for Inner Work
****** Travels with Amma: Reflections on the November Tour
****** Upcoming Events (MA Center Retreat, Level 1 & 2 Medical Qigong)

****** Solstice: How to Use the Solar Cycle for Inner Work

As many of you know, Tuesday December 21, at precisely 3:38 pm Pacific time, is Winter solstice, marking the longest nite of the year, as well as the return of light and the lengthening of days. In our fast paced technological society, often this is just another day, usually spent focusing on day to day matters, work, family, or holiday plans. All too often, we do not realize the significance of Winter solstice, and the powerful and long term influence it has for the year that follows. 

In Daoist terminology, Winter solstice is wholly Yin, a point of absolute stillness, receptivity, and movement inward. It is a time of contemplation and hibernation, when all the energy of nature is inwardly drawn to its essence, and down to its core. Being the microcosm of the macrocosm, our bodies and minds reflect the patterns of nature, and thus our energy also tends to pull inward into stillness and contemplation, especially when we allow ourselves to be aligned with nature rather than trying to go against it. 

We can use this natural current of the universe, riding the wave inward, by doing inner work on ourselves. This work becomes tremendously magnified by being in alignment with the natural forces existing all around and within us. Like a Taiji master that "borrows" the strength of their "opponent" and utilizes it in their next countermove, we too can merge and become one with the inward movement, and incorporate it into our life and spiritual practice. 

On Tuesday, Yin reaches its peak, marking a powerful opportunity for deep meditation, stillness of mind, and contemplation. Life is fully drawn inward. Within this dimension of stillness, the creative force is born; first as an image, an intention, a creative impulse; which then eventually grows into physical form. The creative force born on Winter solstice can be likened to the power and potential hidden within a seed; containing within its tiny self the capacity, intelligence, and biological will to grow into a massive oak or redwood tree. Just as the creative power of a seed first exists only as an image, an idea, a tiny potential only; it then grows into physical form in its own time, following the timing and purposes of nature. In Daoist terms we say that Yang, the creative principle, is born out of Yin. 

Through meditation and contemplation, we return to our essence, and gain greater clarity as to that which is essential and that which is non essential. In deep stillness, we can hear the "whispers in the winds," or the voice of our higher intelligence, the higher Self, Dao, God, universal consciousness, or whatever words one uses to describe those higher planes of reality. Of that stillness, the creative is born. The divine intelligence is reflected in the still pool of the mind, and thus we clearly see the potentials life has for us in the coming year. 

Putting it another way, one can say Winter solstice is a perfect time to set intentions, which may take form and shape in the year to come, following the timing and purposes of nature and universal consciousness. The intention is the seed; the stillness of Winter solstice is the earth, the fertile soil, in which that seed is planted and born. The return of light and eventual coming of spring are the life and grace that possess and animate the seed, allowing it to grow to its full potential. Like this, we can ride the Solar cycle, catching the universal wave inwards and then riding it back outward, when Yin transforms into Yang and life force moves towards creation and manifestation. Intentions consciously born in this time reflect and merge with the creative currents of the universe, fusing with and becoming one with them.

Practically speaking, in terms of setting goals and getting clear about our purpose, this is the optimal time to sit still and contemplate on lists of intentions for the coming year. Allow stillness, and for the higher intelligence to guide your thinking, and then sit with the intentions that do come. What place are they coming from? Do they support life and the people around you, or are they designed to strengthen a false sense of self? Are they in alignment with your life and purpose, or are they pulling you away from it? In this way, you can come to what is essential and what is not essential. You'll discover that intentions aligned with your life and purpose, that support life and others, will come into being much easier and with more grace, ease, and lightness. They will also feel brighter, lighter, and less dense in your body. However, be careful what you ask for, as all too often we do get what we want, only to discover we don't really want it anymore! 

The Dalai Lama's words come to mind: "Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck."

If you did this practice last year, now is a perfect time to reflect on what did come to pass, what didn't, and to reflect upon the deeper wisdom of why or why not. Was I in alignment with the deeper intelligence of the universe and acting in harmony with it, or was I going against it? In Taiji, when we oppose the energies that are coming at us, rather than merging with them, often we lose our balance and root. Therefore we learn to take everything as it comes, merging with it, and then returning it back to its source, with continual presence and awareness.

Last year I did this practice, and it is absolutely amazing to see it unfold. I could see the intentions emerging into form in the spring, growing into fullness in the summer, and coming to maturation in the fall, and finally reintegrating into my being, bringing me back to this moment for another round! When riding the currents like this, it is very important to keep a light heart and a surrendered attitude, allowing things to unfold in their own time, and trusting the universal intelligence always to create the highest reality, even when it seems to go against our personal desires.

"Do your work, then step back.
The only path to serenity." ~ Dao De Jing

Like the breath that flows in and out, freedom comes from non attachment to the fruits of our actions. We simply allow the transient experiences of life to come and go, with stillness and awareness. The nature of the game, as far as I can understand it at this time, is to come into greater and greater alignment with universal will, so that our intentions are a perfect reflection of universal intention. Meditation and spiritual practices are for this, and the unfolding grace is the peace and love that shine through our heart and mind when Life moves through us; unhindered, uninhibited, and unadulterated.

"Life is the dancer and you are the dance." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Coinciding with Winter solstice this year is the full moon and lunar eclipse on Monday nite through Tuesday morning (11:41 pm to 2:53 am PST). This is a very auspicious time for spiritual practices, as both solstice and eclipse represent a time of diminished light. Therefore we are called upon to find the light within, to allow our inner light and the light of universal consciousness to pervade our heart and mind.

****** Travels with Amma: Reflections on the November Tour

I had the most wonderful opportunity to be on staff for Amma's US fall tour in San Ramon, CA and Dearborn, MI. A fountain of grace always flows from any opportunity to perform guru seva, or selfless service to the guru. Serving a real spiritual master is like, after standing upon the shores of a river for many years, finally getting into the water! Being in the flow of so much grace and love is indescribable in words, much like the taste of honey can never be described adequately; it can only be experienced. With Amma, all of the spiritual texts and wisdom seem to come alive, and all the planes of reality open up and merge inside in a most beautifully profound way. She seems to greatly accelerate the rate of one's spiritual unfolding, working out lifetimes of accumulated tendencies in a short amount of time. Coming back from the tour, the mind feels more sublimated, light, and buoyant.

****** Upcoming Events

****** Retreat at Amma's Ashram: sitting, movement qigong, Sound Immersion

Sunday February 6th, 9 am - 3 pm (MA Center, Castro Valley, CA)
Join us for another day of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewal at MA center, nestled in the hills of Castro Valley. The ashram grounds provide a supercharged spiritual vibration within which we'll alternate between sitting and movement meditation practices, as well as another crystal bowl and earth gong Sound Immersion experience lead by Anaghan ( We'll begin at 9 am, and break for a light lunch provided by the ashram at noon. Our afternoon session will end at 3 pm. The cost is $40, all of which is donated to Amma's humanitarian projects. ( Please RSVP:

****** Medical Qigong Level 1 and 2: Five Branches University, San Jose campus

Level 1 Dates, Sundays, 9 am - 6 pm
January 16, 30, February 13, 27
Level 2 Dates, Sundays, 9 am - 6 pm
March 13, 27, April 10, 17

Thanks for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful. 
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. 
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Tom (Yogeshwar)

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Retreat this Saturday (Dec 4th)

Greetings everyone,

I returned from Amma's US fall tour late last nite, and will be leading a qigong session tomorrow (Saturday) in Mountain View. It would be lovely to see you there, to share in the dharma, as well as sitting and movement meditations. I will share tour stories and insights a little later, but for now, details about tomorrow are below... 

Noble Friendship
A Day of Meditation and Qigong, with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt
Saturday, December 4, 2010, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm

This day long program includes silent sitting and walking meditation, qigong from 10:30 to 11:30, a dhamma talk in the afternoon, and study of the "Greater Discourse in Gosinga" (M. 32). No previous dharma study or meditation experience is required.

Location: Edwards Hall of St Timothy's Church 2094 Grant Road, Mountain View, 94040

More information

Hope to see some familiar faces tomorrow =)

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Being in the Present Moment, Retreat this Sunday, Qigong Treatments

Greetings everyone,

In this update:
*** Being in the Present Moment
*** Meditation & Qigong Retreat this Sunday (MA Center)
*** Qigong Treatments at Five Branches University (San Jose)
*** Level 2 Medical Qigong Course (Oct. - Dec. 2010)
*** Calendar of Events

Greetings everyone,

Recently a student asked me about being in the present moment versus being apathetic, and I would like to share my answer with you all in this inner alchemy update.

*** Being in the Present Moment

When we are in the present moment, we feel wonderfully alive, We feel connected with all that is happening in this moment. We simply feel alive. In apathy, we feel dull, sleepy, disconnected.
In presence, we choose to drop all the personal drama, the "story" of our life situation, the excessive mental commentary. We simply act out of awareness, to whatever the moment calls for, without the burden of attachment to our personal past, nor our expectations of the future. We are simply in this moment. We laugh with people, we cry with people, meeting them on this human level of mind and emotion, and at the same time, we are also with them on the level of emptiness, for those moments that they too decide to drop their drama, their personal story, to simply be - we can also meet them in this expansive space, if they so choose, but we don't pressure them to be one way or another. There is no personal agenda on our part, we simply allow them to be as they are in this moment. We act in compassion to alleviate their suffering as best as we can, but we don't make it into a personal problem or a personal drama... It is not an easy practice, as the mind has so much momentum, and it lives on drama!

"The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

The quality of our awareness with people often determines the outcome of any given situation. In presence, people feel embraced by a deeper profound stillness within which they are free to be themselves. This silent empty space, void of personal agendas, encourages openness, ease, and genuine communication between two people. When our day to day activities become imbued with this quality of presence, our small daily actions are transformed into something much greater...

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." ~ Mother Teresa

Mystical states described in the sacred literature of so many cultures are nothing more than this dropping away of the mental mind and its attendant emotions, revealing the sublime nature of true love underneath, revealing our own true nature that we share with all beings...

"In real love the lover and beloved disappear, and what remains is an unbroken experience of pure, unconditional love." ~ Amma

*** Meditation & Qigong Retreat this Sunday (MA Center)

This Sunday, join us for another day of deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and renewal at MA center, nestled in the hills of Castro Valley. The ashram grounds provide a supercharged spiritual vibration within which we'll alternate between sitting and movement meditation practices, as well as another crystal bowl and earth gong Sound Immersion experience lead by Anaghan ( We'll begin at 9 am, and break for a light lunch provided by the ashram at noon. Our afternoon session will end at 3 pm. The cost is $40, all of which is donated to Amma's humanitarian projects ( Please RSVP:

*** Qigong Treatments at Five Branches University (San Jose)

I'm now offering medical qigong treatments at the FBU clinic in San Jose, every Thursday from 1 pm - 5 pm. I'm very excited to get this going, as I so strongly believe in medical qigong having a place among Chinese medical practice. Medical qigong is one of the oldest branches of Chinese medicine. Treatments can have a powerful effect on one's Shen (spirit) as well as Qi (energy), touching very deep levels of one's being that cannot be accessed by herbs or needles alone.
The clinic front desk can be reached at (408) 260-8868, or

*** Level 2 Medical Qigong Course (Five Branches)

Due to the success of our level 1 course, we will offer level 2 this fall semester at FBU San Jose campus, on the following Sundays, from 9am - 6 pm: 
October 24th
November 7th & 14th
December 5th
Contact Mimi Latno for more information:
(MTCM students, contact Gina Huang)

*** Calendar of Events

Also in the not too distant future, I'll lead another qigong session at the Insight Meditation South Bay retreat, on December 4th, 2010. More information:

Thanks for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful. 
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. 
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Tom (Yogeshwar)

Photo below: "Tea Ceremony" Master Zhang and Chen Jie at Qingchengshan (青城山)

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Qigong Courses/Retreats this Weekend


I am back in the SF Bay area, and this weekend (August 28th & 29th) I will teach at two separate events:

1) On Saturday, as part of the Insight Meditation South Bay day-long retreat, I will lead a qigong session, while Shaila Catherine will lead the remainder of the retreat in meditation and dharma.

2) On Sunday, as part of the medical qigong program at Five Branches University, I will teach the first 8 hours of a 32 hour course, Medical Qigong Level 1, for anyone interested in qigong for healing and as a treatment modality. I will teach the remainder of the course every other Sunday, namely Sept. 12, 26, and Oct. 10th.

Please email me for more information at:

Quick Update: It has been 5 months since I wrote this list, as during the summer I travelled with my spiritual teacher Amma, and afterwards visited family in Europe. I returned to the bay area on August 14th, and am now settling into the area at least until the end of the year. As always, the journey with Amma was beautiful and amazing in so many ways, and it is most difficult to describe in words. We started in Seattle and went through 10 cities, ending up in Toronto at the end of July. Each city felt like a lifetime of experience and insight, offering unique lessons and challenges. The European vacation felt like another lokah (realm) altogether. Now I'm looking forward to teaching again, and getting grounded in day to day life.

If time allows, I will write more about the depth of the tour experience, and the grace that comes when in Amma's presence.

For now, I'm wishing everyone a beautiful day!
Tom (Yogeshwar)

Photo above was taken in the morning at the San Ramon ashram during the tour

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Equinox Insight, New Weekly Qigong Class for Health & Longevity

Greetings everyone,

In this update:
*** Equinox Insight
*** Calendar of Events
*** China Trip

Firstly, just a quick note that I will offer a short 6 week course in qigong practice for health and longevity, meeting every Friday, April 2nd through May 7th, from 1 pm - 2 pm, in Campbell. More info below...

*** Equinox Insight

As many of you are aware, we are quickly heading into spring. The vernal equinox takes place on March 20, at 10:32 am Pacific time, marking a balance between light and dark. This is a time when the Yang energy, the light, begins to overtake Yin, the night, which is receding. Yang energy begins to flow to the surface, as life begins to push out into the external world. We see this in the expansion of life all around us, in the blooming of flowers, and the opening of buds on tree branches. It is no coincidence, then, that Wood is the element associated with spring in Daoist traditions, as the energy within Wood naturally rises and expands at the time of spring.

The spring equinox is a very powerful time for cultivation, spiritual practices, and reflection. In terms of using the solar cycle to set intentions, this is a time when intentions set during the winter solstice are now "above ground," growing in the light of the warm spring time sun, where they can be easily seen in the visible world (above ground) by ourselves and others. This is a time to tend to our seeds (intentions) which are now maturing into healthy and vibrant plants, and taking any extra care such as trimming and guiding their growth. While we tend to see all growth as positive in our culture, it is always important to have some form of restraint. Elementally speaking, we say that Metal chops Wood. Metal is the energy of moving inward and downward, and therefore some pause to reflect is indicated. Reflection and meditation offer us insights, allowing us to prune, adjust, and guide our creations. Furthermore, the virtue of Metal is Integrity. Reflection and meditation allow us to double check that our creations are in line with our core values. Life is a dynamic interplay of elemental energies, and this awareness helps ensure that our intentions, our once tiny seedlings now vibrantly expanding in the world of form, don't grow out of control into monstrous creations that even we ourselves can't handle!

The energy of spring/Wood can also be very explosive. Think of the seedling as it begins to push its way above the soil, the explosive growth of bamboo (you can practically *watch* it grow in some cases) as well as other vegetation, and the thrusting upward and outward of life in all its forms during spring. In our own human affairs, when that outward upward movement rises too forcefully, the explosive energy can manifest as outbursts of anger and agitation, especially when we perceive that our outward expansion is even in the slightest way thwarted! Whether a sudden incidence of road rage, an argument with a partner or child, or coworker, we need to be mindful that the energies can be a little hotter in the spring time. Therefore, we should do our best to cool our moods, and not fall victim to our own unconscious patterns, causing undue hurt to those we love... Our loved ones will appreciate us and our efforts all the more!

In qigong, we have ways of working with the psycho emotional aspects of the elements, i.e. the anger of Wood, so that we can bring more balance to our lives. The Daoist Five Yin Organ exercises help to open and dilate the meridians of the 5 Yin Organs which can affect our various moods and awareness in very powerful ways, as well as increasing health and longevity. The Healing Sounds offer ways of clearing and discharging stagnant energy and emotion from our bodies so that a healthier physical, emotional, and mental state can be regained. In addition, many Daoist alchemy meditations and practices focus on the transformation of turbid energy into consciousness, so that our awareness rises above the quagmire of human emotions, plots, repetitive thought patterns, and selfish desires, resulting in a clear perception, and profound mental peace and stillness.

With sincere effort on our part, following the road maps and footprints left by the masters, results come as surely as plants grow from seeds nurtured in the right way.

*** Calendar of Events

* Qigong for Health and Longevity
Weekly Class, meets every Friday for 6 weeks
April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, and May 7th
From 1 PM - 2 PM in Campbell (see below for more info.)

This series of 6 classes presents a wonderful journey into the deeply transformative practices of ancient China. Together we'll explore these powerful movement meditations that increase health, well being, energy, vitality, and mind concentration; while reducing stress, tension, fatigue and burnout. This six week course will provide tools for intelligently dealing with low energy, brain fog, the accumulation of negative emotions or other negative states, while focusing on increasing energy, rejuvenation, relaxation, and energetic perception.

Cost: $100 for all 6 classes due at the beginning of the first class.

Please RSVP as class size is limited to 10 participants (we already have 7):

* Medical Qigong Certification

Next Level 1 course offered at Five Branches University, San Jose campus:
Sundays, Aug. 29, Sept. 12, 26, Oct. 10, 2010, 9 am - 6 pm (32 hours)
Level 1 offers an extensive introduction into qigong practices for health, and how they can be modified to address specific organ and channel disharmonies in the body. We also learn several shengong (spirit skill) meditations that enhance our energetic awareness and qi projection skills. The course includes both practical application and theoretical understanding of cultivation for health and energetic detoxification.
More information:
Through Five Branches, email Mimi Latno:

* Qigong Day Retreat at MA Center

Our next event is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 3rd:
For more information, please visit:

*** China Trip

A handful of you ask me from time to time whether I would lead a trip to China. It would be ideal to bring a group of about 10 people to the Daoist mountain. Our stay would last from 2 to 3 weeks, giving us time for cultivation, reflection, exploring the mountain, and retreat. When there is interest from enough people, more concrete arrangements can be made. Please let me know if you have an interest in visiting Qingchengshan! =)

With blessings,
Tom / Yogeshwar / Li Zhong

May all beings in all the worlds be happy and peaceful.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Photo above: Qingchengshan (青城山) "Tea time on the Daoist Mountain"
Photo below: Master Zhang and Chen Jie at Qingchengshan

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Retreat this Saturday, a word about karma, Level 2 course, and other qigong stuff...

Greetings everyone,

Firstly, I'd like to remind everyone that I'm leading a one hour qigong session during the Insight Meditation South Bay retreat this Saturday: "INTRODUCTION TO THE BUDDHA'S TEACHINGS. Ennobling Truths - A Day of Meditation plus Qigong."
This is a wonderful event where you can get exposure to Dharma, meditation, and qigong all in one place. I'd love to see some familiar faces out there in the crowd, so come by for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. For more information, please visit:

***Medical Qigong Level 2:
This course is also beginning shortly at Five Branches University at the San Jose campus. The dates are Sundays, Feb 7, 21, March 7, 28, 9 am - 6 pm, for a total of 32 hours of practice and instruction. Level 2 is where we round a corner in our qigong training, bringing our qi skills to the treatment table. We also cover a variety of very strong Daoist meditation practices that greatly increase qi sensitivity and projections skills, as well as our protective qi field. For more information visit:

***Qigong Retreat at MA Center:
On Sunday, February 28th, Anaghan and I will return to MA Center for another session of qigong plus the sound bath experience, and we would love it if you joined us! This is a great way to refresh your qigong practice, rejuvenate with the crystal bowls, earth gong and other instruments, and of course reconnect with the ashram. The MA Center is bathed in Amma's wonderful energy even when she isn't there, and the land offers a sublime place of refuge for a weary soul. For more information, please visit:
For more about Anaghan and his sound healing work, please visit:

***A Word About Karma

A few weeks ago, someone asked me a question about karma. I avoided her email for a long time, thinking about the volumes that could be written on this topic. While writing, I thought about sharing my response with you all, and was grateful that she inspired me to contemplate her question. A portion of the answer follows...

According to Amma my spiritual teacher, there are 3 types of karma.
The first type of karma can be easily erased by simple remedial actions.
The second type of karma can be remedied, however, it is never fully removed and can reoccur. It is sometimes likened to a tumor that can be surgically removed successfully, however, it can reoccur after some time.
Finally, there is the third type of karma that cannot be remedied. This is like a completely incurable form of cancer. This type of karma can only be endured.

Our attitude makes all the difference. According to Amma, there are three beneficial ways of looking at karma.

Firstly, see the experiences as necessary to make us more aware. Stepping on a thorn in the road may hurt, but it will make us more careful with our feet so that we don't fall into the ditch later.

Secondly, see the experiences as necessary to exhaust our accumulated negative karma.

And thirdly, see the experiences as necessary to awaken our latent potential and inner strength.

We should always strive to respond to our karmic experiences with the right attitude, understanding that it is the subtle laws of cause and effect that are bringing our own actions back to ourselves. Try to see the people in the various scenarios of our life, as being only the messengers that bring our own karma back to us. Rather than blaming the messengers themselves, we should look at ourselves as the source of these experiences, and try to learn from them. In taking care not to "shoot our messengers," we avoid creating further negative karma, and, we also neutralize whatever karma ripens on us in each moment. When we learn the karmic lesson, we need not experience that karma again - or if we do, we continue to transcend it with a light attitude, rather than getting caught up in endless cycles of violet behavior, retribution, power plays or negativities, whether overt or subtle.

Remedial actions to work with karma include spiritual practices of all varieties. A few examples include qigong, meditation, puja, and selfless service. Qigong and meditation neutralize karma in that these practices bring more awareness into our lives. More awareness brings healthier choices that are in greater alignment with Dharma (or the natural order of a higher good) which in turn neutralize our karma. Puja, a form of ritual worship to a specific deity or power, is also very effective. Pujas can be done to alleviate specific karma, or to bring more auspiciousness into our lives. In either case, they strongly connect the practitioner to the deity or power being worshipped, which in and of itself is precious. Selfless service, known as Karma Yoga, is a powerful way to burn up karma. In this practice, the fruits (or beneficial results) of our actions are surrendered, and we focus on the action itself, bringing our full awareness and attention to it with utmost care.

Doing good things for others puts us in touch with the creative intelligence of the whole, and in turn the whole responds favorably to us. Amma sums this up beautifully by saying it is our actions that come back to us as God's grace. She further says that it is God's grace that brings things together in a favorable way. So we need to recognize that there is something far greater than our little ego running the show. To put it another way, when we get out of our little "me and only me" mode of consciousness, and actually think of others and do things for the good of the whole, we fall into a more beautiful synchronicity with the whole. Life becomes more like a beautiful symphony. Each individual piece of music expresses itself fully, and yet adds to a much greater synchronistic whole. The whole symphony, in turn, immeasurably adds to the beauty of each individual piece of music, giving each piece a magnificent field upon which it can express its individual self. However, in the "little me" mode of consciousness, we short change the bigger symphony, trading the good of the whole for short sighted personal agendas. This brings harm to the integrity of the whole, which in turn does harm to each individual that is a part of that whole.

Blessings and Love,

Main Temple at Qingchengshan (青城山)

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)