Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Location

This blog has moved to a new location.

Please visit us at

We've posted many new articles to our new location, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Core Belief Change


The article this month is about "Core Belief Change," a process of altering our habitual thoughts and conclusions about reality to initiate inner and outer change. While this current article presents a general idea, future ones will introduce the specific practices and step by step instructions. I look forward to sharing more next month. In the mean time, I will lead a 1 hour qigong session this Saturday morning at an Insight Meditation South Bay retreat. Perhaps I will see some of you there!

In this newsletter:
  • Article: Core Belief Change
  • This Saturday: Day-long Retreat: Mindfulness of Feelings
  • Medical Qigong Level 2
  • Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions
  • Facebook & Google+ (Read this newsletter on Social Media)

Core Belief Change
By Thomas Leichardt, DMQ (China)

We think thoughts every day, as naturally and effortlessly as the wind rustles leaves, or raindrops fall softly on a tin rooftop. This miraculous process seems to happen all by itself. Often, we give little heed to what that voice inside our head is spinning, as we are so accustomed to focus outwardly at the world of events and happenings. However, those seemingly fleeting thoughts have their physical counterparts, and leave their mark on the body-mind, a minute, however definite mental-physical energetic-chemical trace.

A belief is a pattern of thought, chosen as a model through which to view reality. A belief also represents a focusing of thought, in that it begins to arrange thoughts according to itself, forming a distinct pattern that reflects the core belief. Using an analogy, a belief can be likened to a slide through which light passes. The light is our awareness, while the slide is our belief, which arranges our awareness into a pattern. We see the world through a particular lens, then, a certain type of focus. No two people see the same event in the same way, for each individual looks out upon reality through their own lens, and interprets the data through their own filters and beliefs.

The imprint of one thought on our body-mind is mild, almost imperceptible. However, when we consider the focused repetitive power of reoccurring thoughts, hovering about and maintained by a specific core belief, that effect is magnified and prolonged. It is kept alive, attaining a kind of self perpetuation, and tends to grow in momentum over time. This magnifying effect is so powerful, in fact, that via a rather miraculous process called neuroplasticity, our physical brain grows in response to it. The brain and physical organism literally grow and make adjustments in response to these reoccurring patterns of thought, and especially our strong assumptions about reality. For example, and to use an extreme, people exposed to severe trauma, who then regularly experience flashbacks or fixate on that painful and frightening trauma, eventually have definite and observable physical changes in their brain, as well as changes in blood chemistry as compared to a person who has a relatively easy and stress free life and benign thought patterns. Stress hormone levels will be higher, certain portions of the brain will show atrophy, while other portions, those responsible for a fight-flight response, will show increased neural connections.

It is important to note, here, that people exposed to terrible trauma, who either naturally let it go, or consciously take themselves through a process of healing and resolution, don't develop the negative effects as do the people in whom the trauma remains alive through fixed belief and it's attendant thought patterns. That is to say, we are not at the mercy of past events. The point of power is in the present, and therefore, we always have the power to shift our focus and belief, heal our wounds, forgive, and essentially rewire our conclusions about reality. The point of power is always inside us, and it is always in the present moment.

Releasing the past has a profound effect on our present day reality. It is the best gift anyone can give themselves, for it shifts reality in profound ways, and changes the course of one's future. Forgiveness of the past, of others, and ourselves, is of most benefit to our own psyche. It is we who benefit the most from forgiving others and releasing past situations.

Now, those seemingly fleeting thoughts that float through our minds do have their physical counterparts, and leave their mark on the body-mind. This is very important. Thoughts are mental enzymes, mental hormones, that have their physical counterparts in the body. Each thought has energy, electromagnetic energy; a certain electromagnetic "tone" that has its effect on physical-chemical reality. These mental enzymes are energetic phenomena, however they correlate with their physical counterparts, the neurotransmitters, hormones, and related physical phenomena. 

Thoughts, and especially beliefs, translate inner vitality into specific forms and events. The word is literally made flesh.

A single powerful thought has the capacity to significantly alter our blood chemistry, hormone levels, physical and mental state. All of us have noted at one time or another, how a certain line of thinking (such as a remembered past event, or an imagined future one) has completely shifted how we feel in the body. Many individuals feel that they are at the mercy of their thoughts, just as they feel they are at the mercy of the events that seem to happen to them. However, certain kinds of mental disciplines can avail individuals to harness the power of their thought, and literally create a new inner reality, with a marked change in neurotransmitter activity, hormone levels, and overall physical health. 

This inner shift has a way of propagating, then, throughout our external environment. When we get the inside right, the outside has a tremendous propensity to eventually match our inner state, provided we tend to its growth and development. This is the best part, because not only is the initial core belief change riveting and compelling, it is also rather fun and exciting to maintain. The simple exercises are both engaging to practice, and their results are equally energizing to watch.

A belief system is a long held conclusion about reality, which affects our chemical and hormone balance on a daily basis. Certain chronic patterns of belief and thought will tend to deplete our health, weaken our immune system, and invite disease. For this reason, vibrant happy people tend to live longer, happier lives.

Many of us have a mixed bag of beliefs. Some are detrimental, while others are incredibly life enriching and empowering. It is quite common, also, for a person to have conflicting beliefs in the same area of their lives. In this case they oscillate between periods of relative success, followed by bouts of defeat, whether real or imagined, within a particular aspect of their lives.

How does one harness the power of thought, then, and how does one direct it consciously?

Core belief change is a process of establishing (i.e. choosing) beliefs that will empower our minds and bodies to operate at full and maximal potential. Whether we are already healthy, or suffering from chronic pain, disease, or simply mental unrest, core belief change can enhance any therapy, alternative or allopathic, or it can be used simply to transform a mediocre mental state into a much more ecstatic one. Through core belief change, we can also increase confidence in ourselves and our abilities. In any case, we are releasing old assumptions and beliefs, which cut us off from source energy, from who we truly are. In their place, we establish beliefs that give us a direct connection to our very own source energy, to who we truly are - a source of magnificent potential.

Awareness is always the first step in any journey of change and transformation. First, we have to see what it is we want to change. Thus, the core belief change process begins with self reflection and self awareness. It goes without saying that, to use an analogy, you must first see what you have growing in your garden, and to really take stock, before you go about changing it all around. Thus, a person begins to recognize and uncover their core beliefs about life, about reality, through simple techniques of watching and observing their mind-flow, the thoughts and feelings that move through the mind, and especially the repetitive and habitual ones. The garden of the mind must first be carefully watched and observed, and understood, before any readjustments or overt changes can be made. This self reflecting attitude is of paramount importance, because, through it we not only understand the initial changes we must make, but it also serves as a continual process of maintaining our connection to source. 

There are several methods of acquainting oneself with one's core belief structure. Once this structure has come to the light of awareness, change is initiated, sometimes by the very fact of awareness itself, and often times with the help of some simple yet powerful techniques for adjusting or altogether changing any malefic belief patterns for more beneficial ones. Once the beneficial beliefs take root, and begin to generate their own patterns of thought, our subtle blood and brain chemistry begins to shift, creating a greater propensity towards physical and mental health.

Following this transformation of our physical and mental state, our habitual behaviors shift as well, and these changes then propagate out to our outer world. They reflect in our relationships and external life in profound ways, which further reinforce the newly established beliefs. This is when the process gets tremendously exciting, because when direct evidence of our work begins to roll in, we can use that energy to further growth and expansion.

We see the outer world through our core beliefs. In fact, it is our core beliefs that draw certain experiences to us, that bring out certain responses and attitudes towards us from others, that literally help form the reality within and all around us. Thus, to change the outer, we must begin with the inner, the beliefs and patterns of thought that form our outer experience. 

In our next episode, we’ll take a look at some of the simple methods for observing, identifying, and then altering our core beliefs. Many of you will find the process simple enough, interesting and certainly engaging. I look forward to sharing more as time allows.

If you would like to share this article with others, please consider sharing it on any of the social networks using the buttons provided. If you have something to add, agree, or disagree with, please consider posting a comment here. Your feedback is greatly valued!

The above article was inspired considerably by Jane Robert's books, and a whole variety of spiritual teachers, friends, and life's experiences. Thank you all!

This Saturday: Day-long Retreat: Mindfulness of Feelings
Upcoming Day-long retreat with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt

This day-long program will explore the role of concentration for calming the mind, deepening wisdom, enhancing enduring happiness, and ushering attention into a profound state of stillness. We will introduce meditation techniques aimed at strengthening concentration, cultivating skills for freeing the mind from distraction, and developing equanimity to support undistracted awareness.
The retreat will be led by Shaila, while Thomas will lead an hour qigong session from about 10:30 am to 11:30 am.

Saturday, Feb 11, 2011, 9:30 am - 5 pm
Location: St. Timothy's Episcopal Church

Medical Qigong Level 2

Medical qigong is a fabulous way to increase your energetic sensitivity and projection skills, as well as to build competence, skill, and confidence in energy work of all kinds. The Level 2 course is offered at Five Branches University, San Jose, and is taught by Thomas Leichardt. All classes are from 9 am - 6 pm, on the following Sundays: March 25, April 1, 15 & 29. We'll cover advanced spirit-skill meditations and Daoist alchemy geared towards self cultivation as well as clinical application of energetic healing modalities.

For registration, please contact Phan Goh at MTCM students contact Gina Huang.

Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions

As many of you know, I am offering acupuncture treatments at the Five Branches Clinic in San Jose as a way to complete my training for an acupuncture license. I am also incredibly happy to integrate medical qigong into these sessions. This makes them an incredible value to the community, as internship rates are incredibly low! The Five Branches intern rates are less than half of what I used to charge for medical qigong alone! What is a session like? Find out here.

My clinic shifts for the spring term are:
  • Monday, 1pm - 4pm
  • Wednesday, 9am - 12pm (VETS clinic) & 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Five Branches University San Jose Clinic Number:

Facebook & Google+ (Read these updates on Social Media)

  • Facebook: Follow this link, and press "like" on that page. Then these updates will show up in your facebook news feed.
  • Google+: Follow this link and add to your circles. These updates will then appear in your stream.

Thanks so much for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Thomas Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Monday, January 2, 2012

New States of Awareness

Greetings and Happy New Year. I am excited to share some further insights with you all, which began to percolate into my awareness while I was away on tour with Amma over the Thanksgiving holiday. Like a seed taking time to grow, it took over a month to compose it into the completed article you see below, titled “New States of Awareness.”

In this newsletter:
  • Article: New States of Awareness
  • Medical Qigong Levels 1 & 2
  • Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions
  • Day-long Retreat: Mindfulness of Feelings
  • Facebook & Google+ (Read these updates on Social Media)

New States of Awareness
Awakening Into 2012 and Beyond
By Thomas Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Our consciousness is far more versatile, free, and mobile than we suppose. It is not out of the ordinary, then, to merge with the trees, the flowers, to directly experience the expansiveness of the sky, or the depth of the ocean. We are not locked inside the flesh, though our current and brilliant focus within physical reality depends upon it. Our consciousness is far freer and more expansive than we currently suppose, not bound to the flesh, and yet a portion of it is magnificently and miraculously couched within it at the same time.

To fulfill the extraction of our particular type of focus and technology, however, we had to abandon all notions of expansive merging and oneness. We had to convince ourselves that we are separate beings, separate entities looking out at an objective world. Separated from it, we could then manipulate it from the outside, force it to bend to our will, our mind and intellect. Thus we became rulers of the physical world, gaining mastery over matter in our own unique way, from the outside. To achieve this, feeling ourselves as apart from nature was necessary, for how could we dam the rivers or fell the trees if we felt our oneness with them? It would simply not be possible.

No earth honoring, soul merging culture would allow the industrial revolution to happen. Therefore, the earth honoring, merging qualities had to be subdued, put under, so that our particular ego consciousness could rise to prominence; and manipulation, control, and mastery of earth could be achieved. Thus, the intuitive, merging attributes of human consciousness were subdued, allowing logic and intellect to operate alone without the sustenance of the intuitions (at least on the surface) allowing the rise of a culture and technology that controls, manipulates, and subdues the earth and all of its resources.

However, we’ve reached the pinnacle of that mode of consciousness, such that to persist further in that line of development will lead to our own destruction. We’ve left ourselves a safety valve, an escape hatch, such that the pressure of our own impending doom, resulting from further pursuing that line of development, our separate focus and belief in a separate outside objective world, would literally force us into a new path, a new focus.

Pressures of survival as a species would force an awakening, a re-awakening, then, unto consciousness and awareness of unity, merging, and feeling ourselves as part of nature again. The solutions to all the problems caused by the worldview of separation, then, would lie “hidden” within the worldview of unity, awaiting the most appropriate time to resurface again into human consciousness – like a seed laying dormant underneath the frozen earth, waiting for the first signs of spring to burst forth with new life into our mental and psychological landscape. That time, the springtime of the worldview of unity, would be activated by a mass recognition of the disequilibrium between humans and nature, brought about by the worldview of separation and its attendant earth subduing technology.

We would retain knowledge, however, gained from the worldview of separation, and use that as a springboard into vaster states of awareness that would not otherwise be possible, had the species never explored the world of separation, extracting it’s unique technology based on dominion and control. Additionally, without a historical time period of absolute hard objectivity, the species would not have gained the wisdom which is borne out of the acute pain of separation from nature.
Thus, the homecoming to greater portions of the self would herald a new culture of heart with intense joy and celebration, re-awaking into union and merging awakened consciousness, while also remembering the pain of separation as a contrast from which to choose.

Unity would be a conscious choice then, not biologically hardwired, but consciously chosen by the species, having gained self consciousness and choice via it’s long sojourn through the ego dominated, dominion over nature phase. The species would thus awaken into new states of awareness, previously unknown en masse.

To control something that is basically alive and unpredictable, we cast a net over it. So we cast a net of separation and isolation over our inner and outer landscape, breaking things down into infinitesimal portions, attempting to understand the whole by studying its parts. Again, this is a stage of evolution, a stage we have successfully passed through, and a stage that, at its most appropriate time, pushes forward into new stages of growth and development. Thus, perhaps with some growing pains, but most definitely with great exhilaration, focus and exuberant joy, we press on to our next stage of development, a stage that sees the blending of the so called masculine and feminine, hard logic with intuition, separateness with unity. And what a wild ride its shaping up to be!

If you enjoyed this piece, want to discuss, or have something to add, please post a comment below. I sure do love to hear feedback!

The above article was inspired greatly by Amma, Jane Robert’s books, and a whole variety of spiritual teachers, friends, and life’s experiences. Thank you all!

Medical Qigong Levels 1 & 2

Medical qigong is a fabulous way to increase your energetic sensitivity and projection skills, as well as to build competence, skill, and confidence in energy work of all kinds. The following courses are offered at Five Branches University, San Jose, and are taught by Thomas Leichardt. Levels 1 and 2 will be offered spring semester 2012. All classes are from 9 am – 6 pm, on the following Sundays:
  • Level 1: Jan 15 & 29, Feb 12 & 26; Builds a solid personal cultivation practice for working with one’s own energy.
  • Level 2: March 25, April 1, 15 & 29; Advanced spirit-skill meditations and Daoist alchemy geared towards self cultivation as well as clinical application of energetic healing modalities.
For registration, please contact Phan Goh at MTCM students contact Gina Huang.

Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions

As many of you know, I am offering acupuncture treatments at the Five Branches Clinic in San Jose as a way to complete my training for an acupuncture license. I am also incredibly happy to integrate medical qigong into these sessions. This makes them an incredible value to the community, as internship rates are incredibly low! The Five Branches intern rates are less than half of what I used to charge for medical qigong alone!

What is a session like? Find out here.

My clinic shifts for the spring term, beginning January 9th, are:
  • Monday, 1pm – 4pm
  • Wednesday, 9am – 12pm (VETS clinic) & 1:30pm – 4:30pm
  • Friday, 1pm  – 4pm
Five Branches University San Jose Clinic Number: 408-260-8868

Day-long Retreat: Mindfulness of Feelings
Upcoming Day-long retreat with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt

This day-long program will explore the role of concentration for calming the mind, deepening wisdom, enhancing enduring happiness, and ushering attention into a profound state of stillness. We will introduce meditation techniques aimed at strengthening concentration, cultivating skills for freeing the mind from distraction, and developing equanimity to support undistracted awareness.
The retreat will be led by Shaila, while Thomas will lead an hour qigong session from about 10:30 am to 11:30 am.
Saturday, Feb 11, 2011, 9:30 am – 5 pm
Location: St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church
More Information

Facebook & Google+ (Read these updates on Social Media)
  • Facebook: Follow this link, and press “like” on that page. Then these updates will show up in your facebook news feed.
  • Google+: Follow this link and add to your circles. These updates will then appear in your stream.
Thanks so much for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Thomas Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lineage... what is it?

Greetings everyone!

In this post:
  • Article: "Lineage... what is it?"
  • Day-long Retreat on Focused Living
  • Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions
  • Inner Alchemy Center on Facebook

Lineage... what is it?
~ By Thomas Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Recently, a student asked me to elaborate on the significance of lineage in the field of martial arts, medical qigong, and spiritual practices. I would like to share this resulting piece on the subject with everyone here.

There are many levels at which lineage can be explained, and I will touch upon just a few here.

First of all, lineage is grounding in a certain tradition, both on the level of form and more importantly, on the level of energy and spirit. On the level of form, there are various beliefs, practices, and traditions that are unique to each lineage. While these are important to know and understand, they are akin to the outer wrapping of a package, or the outer skin of a fruit. What is inside, underneath that wrapping or skin, is where the real inner dimensions of lineage lay, and where the real sweetness can be experienced. These inner dimensions are the essence, energy and spirit of lineage.

The inner aspect of lineage is a vibrational "knowing without knowing," realization of principles, felt deeply in one's body, psyche, and spirit. This type of knowledge cannot be taught through theory and external practices alone, rather, it is something that "dawns" inside the individual, it is something that one awakens into. A teacher of lineage holds this energetic psychic space inside him or herself, making it readily accessible to their students, and those who are ready can then more easily realize it in themselves. Thus a lineage teacher not only teaches external beliefs, practices, and forms, but they also teach through transmission, such that the students get a glimpse of this reality through their close proximity to the teacher, who embodies those principles, and abides in that state of awareness and realization.

One of my spiritual teachers, Amma, is an example of just such a being, who abides in transcendental states of awareness, and makes those states available to all who come to her. This energy has a way of awakening itself inside those in close proximity to her, much like a log placed next to another log consumed in fire, itself also catches fire. This is a realization of energetic and spiritual truths through transmission. Amma also teaches on the level of form, by example, and through stories, practices, and systems of beliefs. While these are important, for me the real juice is in the transmission of realization, in which the truth spontaneously arises from within. Of course, it is by following the example, and committing to the practices, that makes one's mind fertile ground for awakening through transmission. However, transmission is indeed a mysterious agent of inner change that is not predictable, and beyond any understanding of the intellect alone.

One aspect of transmission is that, whether in her physical presence or not, I can tap into Amma's energy, and let that move through me and do what needs to be done. I don't feel like I am doing it all on my own, but rather tapping into something much greater.

I use Amma as an example, however this can apply to any teacher who truly embodies the specific principles they teach. While Amma, on a grand scale, teaches the art of living in love and service, others may teach in terms of inner awareness through movement, such as that found in the martial arts.

In practical terms, lineage also indicates where teachings come from. In terms of time and space, one can trace back generations to the source of the teachings and have an appreciation of the various permutations along the way.

In cosmic terms, one can think of any lineage as a mandala. Imagine each spoke in this mandala as a separate time period. As one taps into a specific lineage through a teacher, one is tapping into that lineage's manifest form as it exists in that current time. However, if the teacher is worth their salt, they are able to tap into the entire mandala as it exists across time and across planes of awareness, giving anyone who is seeking knowledge and wisdom, an access point into the vastness of that lineage as it exists across time and space. A great teacher will teach others to access lineage themselves, however, in the interim they offer themselves as a vehicle through which others can access that lineage's wisdom and medicine through them and with their guidance. A lesser teacher will recite theories and practices, however, a true master is able to move into the heart of that mandala and deliver its truth as potent and living medicine, and will in turn teach others to do the same.

Some people take lineage into the realm of ego, and so try to align themselves with the greatest teachers as a way to boost their own confidence and to impress people, but this is not at all what the spirit of lineage is. However, today this is quite common. The energy of such people seems to be saying, "Hey look at me I studied with so and so and I have the best teachings - I have a better grasp of the truth than anyone else." This is using lineage as a way to bolster a weak and deficient ego, and demonstrates that these individuals haven't yet grasped the deeper meaning of the teachings they are aligning themselves with.

A lineage is a psychic blueprint, which helps form and outline awareness into specific patterns of behavior. Buddha, in that sense, is an example of a psychic blueprint, or model, which stimulates the psyche of individual followers towards growth and development. That psychic blueprint is like a seed that is nurtured and cared for through practices and right attitude, such that Buddha nature awakens from within. The psychic blueprint is potential, then, existing as a stimulus and impetus towards growth and realization.

How does one tell a great teacher from a mediocre one? If one looks at the fruits of their actions, this becomes self evident. Using Amma as an example, again, one need not look hard to witness the vast reaching humanitarian efforts that spring forth from the hands of her followers, and witness the positive effects of her teachings in action all around the world. Any great teacher will in turn have this effect on the physical and psychic space around them. The effects may be overt and/or subtle, however, always, you will know a teacher by their fruits, by the effect their presence and actions have on the world around them.

If you enjoyed this piece, or have something to add, please post a comment here. I sure do love to hear feedback!

Focused Living: A Day of Concentration Training & Qigong

Upcoming Day-long retreat with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt
This day-long program will explore the role of concentration for calming the mind, deepening wisdom, enhancing enduring happiness, and ushering attention into a profound state of stillness. We will introduce meditation techniques aimed at strengthening concentration, cultivating skills for freeing the mind from distraction, and developing equanimity to support undistracted awareness.
The retreat will be led by Shaila, and I will lead an hour qigong session from about 10:30 to 11:30 am.
Saturday, Nov 12, 2011, 9:30 am - 5 pm
Location: St. Timothy's Episcopal Church
More Information

Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions

As many of you know, I am offering acupuncture treatments at the Five Branches Clinic in San Jose as a way to complete my training for an acupuncture license. I am also incredibly happy to integrate medical qigong into these sessions. This makes them an incredible value to the community, as internship rates are incredibly low! The Five Branches intern rates are less than half of what I used to charge for medical qigong alone, so get yours while they last!  What is a session like? Find out here.

My clinic shifts are:

Wednesdays, 9am - 12pm; 1pm - 4pm
Thursdays, 9:30am - 12:30pm

Five Branches University San Jose Clinic Number:

Find Inner Alchemy Center on Facebook:

It sure makes my heart sing when ya'll press that "like" button =) But seriously, if you follow this link, and you do press "like" on that page, you'll be more likely to see these updates on facebook in the future.

Thanks so much for reading this far!
May all beings be happy and peaceful.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort.

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Monday, October 10, 2011

"My religion is kindness."

Greetings everyone!

In this update:

* "My religion is kindness."
* Level 2 Medical Qigong Course
* Acupuncture Sessions
* What is a Session like?
* Day-long Retreat on Focused Living

"My religion is kindness." 

These words of the Dalai Lama always struck me with a deep sense of truth and wisdom, as do Amma's words, "When someone is full of Love and Compassion, one cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths, or two religions." Using these words as a springboard, I had the following insights about diversity and harmony:

My religion is kindness. My religion is love. I see all the religions as petals of one flower. While most see the differences, I just see the one. It is the human intellect that divides, while the heart mends together, brings together diverse pieces into oneness. It is through the power of love that many become one; that two become one. 

That transcendental reality that some call God, others, the Dao, and even others, the Great Mystery - how could it ever be contained in one religion, in one system of beliefs? I say, it cannot be contained even in all of them! For the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts, and there is much that goes beyond human understanding and comprehension. It is pure ego and delusion for any one religion to claim that their tradition has a special hold on Truth; be they Hindu, Daoist, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Indigenous, or whatever.

You may know a tradition not by judging its customs or worldviews, but by the fruits of its people's actions, by the degree of love stirred in the hearts of its followers, by the degree of joy that radiates from them, and by the compassionate acts of kindness in which they engage.

"Though a flower is composed of many petals, it is one flower. The human body consists of many parts, and yet it is one body. In the same way, the world consists of many different countries, cultures, languages, races and people. But for Amma there is just the world – there is only one." ~ Amma

I've had so many countless opportunities to be with and travel with Amma, that her teachings continuously radiate and reverberate within my soul. I've watched endless streams of people come to her every day; old, young, rich, poor, this religion, that religion, military people, drug dealers, prostitutes, police officers, politicians, all seeking spiritual comfort and grace. What I've come to know, is that there is something inside each one of us that goes beyond any of these distinctions. It is the part that longs to reconnect, to remember. In that sense, we are all on the same path, seeking the same source. In realizing this, we invoke harmony where there is diversity, we see unity underneath all our differences. Kindness, compassion, these are the qualities to rally behind. All our outer differences are just there to make the world interesting and intriguing. What is underneath all the apparent differences, however, in each of us, is what really matters.

If you enjoyed this piece, please consider posting a comment here:

Level 2 Medical Qigong Course

I am very excited about the upcoming level 2 course offered at Five Branches University, San Jose campus! The material in level 2 is very deep and transformational. The course can be taken for personal growth, and/or if you are interested in building a healing practice. In either case, there is ample opportunity for change and transmutation with this material. These arts teach us how to be more sensitive and aware so as to know from a deeper sense how to interact with people, handle situations, and see solutions that are far more positive and life affirming. We focus these energies into the healing arts, though they are universal principles applicable to life in general.

This course bridges deep personal transformational practices with the application of energy extension to help others heal and transform. In the first 2 days, we perform many Daoist shen gong (spirit skill) meditations, designed to increase awareness. We also practice the yiquan standing postures which build tremendous qi and strength of body and mind. In the latter 2 days, we dive into qi sensitivity exercises, learning to energetically set up a treatment space, plus introduction to table work. 

The dates for the level 2 course are: 
Oct 23, Nov 6 & 13, Dec 4, 2011
9 am - 6pm (32 Hours/CEUs)
For registration, please contact Phan Goh at
MTCM students contact Gina Huang.
More information:

Acupuncture & Qigong Sessions

As many of you know, I am offering acupuncture treatments at the Five Branches Clinic in San Jose as a way to complete my training for an acupuncture license. I am also incredibly happy to integrate medical qigong into these sessions. This makes them an incredible value to the community, as internship rates are incredibly low! The Five Branches intern rates are less than half of what I used to charge for medical qigong alone, so get yours while they last!

My clinic shifts are:
Wednesdays, 9am - 12pm; 1pm - 4pm
Thursdays, 9:30am - 12:30pm

Five Branches University San Jose Clinic Number:

What is a session like?

Recently, one of my qigong students asked me what a session with me looks like, and as I wrote the answer, I thought it perfect to share for those that are curious on this list:
The healing session begins with a health interview, where I inquire about your chief complaint or intention for coming to see me. From there I ask questions to familiarize myself with your situation, and from your answers I put together a theory in my mind as to what the condition is and how to address it. Next, you lay down on the treatment table. I perform a short meditation to prepare myself and the room, and from there I proceed with energetic assessment, as well as pulse and tongue diagnosis. Using qi perception and listening skills I feel into any energetic disturbances or areas of weakness, further expanding on my theory as to what is your energetic state and how to address it. Following is the actual treatment, which lasts about 25-35 minutes. Just like in qigong class, what I am doing is purging areas of excess or stagnation, strengthening areas of weakness, and then regulating your qi dynamic. In a sense, I am doing qigong for you, initiating patterns of health, that you can then further nurture with qigong exercises that I prescribe specific to your condition.

Pain, physical or emotional, is a form of qi stagnation. In that sense, I can dip in energetically and move the stagnation to create relief. Often the stagnation is emotional in nature, and I find myself pulling out aspects of past pain such as anger or grief, but physical pain can also be addressed in this manner. It is important to note that no emotion is seen as negative, however, it is when the energy becomes stuck, congealed, and cut off from its natural flow that it causes problems. To that end, I loosen its stagnation, facilitate its proper release, and ensure its proper flow. I use my knowledge of energetic anatomy to accomplish this, having spent years in training to learn the various pathways both through scholastic study as well as experience through the inner alchemy meditations and qigong practices that move qi in the body-mind. I use the points, channels, and organ systems recognized in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as the dantians, chakras, and center core energetics that are recognized in Daoist Chinese Medicine.

For acupuncture, I use sterile disposable needles as mandated by law, and my needling skill has been described as both smooth and painless. Most people hardly feel the needle insertion, or describe the sensation akin to a mosquito bite. However, after insertion many report the sensation of qi flowing through some of the points or channels; described as warm, tingling, or heavy.

Focused Living: A Day of Concentration Training and Qigong

Upcoming Day-long retreat with Shaila Catherine & Tom Leichardt
This day-long program will explore the role of concentration for calming the mind, deepening wisdom, enhancing enduring happiness, and ushering attention into a profound state of stillness. We will introduce meditation techniques aimed at strengthening concentration, cultivating skills for freeing the mind from distraction, and developing equanimity to support undistracted awareness.
Saturday, Nov 12, 2011, 9:30 am - 5 pm
Location: St. Timothy's Episcopal Church

Thanks so much for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful.
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.

Tom / Yogeshwar

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Amma Tour, Acupuncture, and Medical Qigong Courses

Greetings everyone,

In this update:

*** Amma Tour Reflections
*** Acupuncture Treatments
*** Upcoming Events

*** Amma Tour Reflections

This summer, I've once again had the incredible grace and fortune to travel with Amma, the great Indian saint who has dedicated her life to humanitarian work and spiritual upliftment. Tirelessly, for over 30 years, she has traveled around the world giving darshan, seeding and managing countless humanitarian projects and helping people from all walks of life, regardless of religion, color, or background. To be in the presence of this remarkable woman, is like stepping into a river of love and compassion. 

Amma's simple message of love, compassion and service has been a guiding light to me for many years now, and I continue to feel truly grounded in her work. In a world that is so often lacking of true open heart communication and relating, having her presence always reminds me of what is important in life, and that is to risk living with an open heart and with dedication to the simple values that she represents and embodies in her actions. Other than that, words can't even begin to describe the kind of transformation that happens on tour. It is a total immersion in another plane of reality, where different principles and truths seem to operate, or perhaps we see the truth more clearly that is so obstructed in regular life. Either way, she truly brings out the best in all of us.

*** Acupuncture Treatments

As many of you know, I've been practicing medical qigong for about 12 years now. However, to supplement my medical qigong practice, 3 years ago I entered a four year Chinese herbology and acupuncture training program, and over the next year I will be completing my clinical internship training in these two new areas of study. To fulfill my training, I will be offering acupuncture treatments at the Five Branches clinic in San Jose. I will be available in the clinic starting August 23rd, every Wednesday from 9 am to 4 pm, and Thursdays from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. Appointments can be made by calling the clinic at (408) 260-8868.

I will be able to combine medical qigong with acupuncture (and herbs if necessary) during these treatment sessions, and I really look forward to blending these medicines! Cost wise, this will turn out great for people, because not only are internship clinic treatments very affordable, but the school is also offering a special to all new patients for the first three treatments. Please contact me for details about the new patient discount.

*** Upcoming Events

Medical Qigong Levels 1 & 2 at Five Branches University San Jose campus (32 CEUs each):

Level 1
Interested in directing body movement, breath and the mind to facilitate self healing? Medical qigong level 1 offers ample opportunity to learn a powerful self healing practice, while also diving into some of the ideas behind Daoist energetic medicine. This is an experiential and theoretical course that fully explores Daoist self cultivation practices for health and well being.
Sundays Aug 28, Sept 11 & 25, Oct 9; 9 am - 6 pm (32 hours/CEUs)

Level 2
Powerful Daoist meditations are taught to unveil one's intuitive capacities and direct them towards energetic healing. This course is a mix of experiential and theoretical knowledge and wisdom directed towards applying qigong for healing self and others.
Sundays Oct 23, Nov 6 & 13, Dec 4; 9 am - 6 pm (32 hours/CEUs)

For registration contact Five Branches Extension program at
MTCM students register with Gina Huang.

Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB)
With Tom Leichardt and Shaila Catherine
Both retreats will be held on Saturdays, from 9:30 am – 5 pm
* Nov 12, 2011
* Feb 11, 2012
For more information:

I generally like to write more during these updates, but for the life of me I'm just not in a writing space. Hopefully next time I can put together some delightful insights about energetic practices. I've been feeling many new directions over the summer but it is still too soon to write about them. What I am really learning is that when you get the inside right, the outside comes together in a most beautiful way.

Wishing you all the best!

Tom (Yogeshwar)

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Metaphysical Boxing, Inner Alchemy & Qigong events

Greetings everyone!

In this update, "Metaphysical Boxing, Understanding the Spiritual Depth of the Martial Arts." And of course an update on upcoming events and such. 

*** Metaphysical Boxing
*** Teaching in Colorado Springs
*** Calendar of Events

*** Metaphysical Boxing
Understanding the Spiritual Depth of the Martial Arts

How do we redirect or transform the energy that moves towards us on a daily basis? What if that energy triggers our non-thinking reflexive fight-or-flight reaction?

In life, we are bent out of shape, usually when we are challenged in one way or another. Martial arts, in the truest of sense, teach us how to accept and work with the challenges of life with grace, ease, and lightness. Martial arts teach us to be present, calm, and alert, even in the face of direct challenges to our person. In training, we work through all the personal issues that are triggered, the heavy layers of unconscious programming and "knee jerk" reactions, until we become more and more clear to respond to each challenge with clarity, peace, and consciousness. Each incoming fist, kick, or strike becomes a metaphor for incoming energy from the universe, and in the microcosm of our sparring session, we can observe, study, and practice our response. Did we react out of fear? Out of anger? Did we tighten up, or did we remain relaxed? Were we overwhelmed with ego, self preservation, or desire only to win and subdue the incoming force, or did we gracefully respond by gently redirecting or neutralizing it?

Martial arts training, in the controlled safe setting and right attitude of self exploration and transformation, will enable those latent memories of pain and fear, stored in our biological and energetic matrix, to surface and flood our present moment awareness. We are given the golden opportunity to transform blind reaction into conscious response. We learn to dissolve our association with past pain and fear, to come into the present moment during our sparring or push hands sessions. Push hands or sparring are the vehicles for our growth, helping trigger the latent pain and self preserving ego in us, to bring it all into the light of our presence. 

In presence, that which is not presence becomes transformed and transmuted into presence. This is the true meaning of Inner Alchemy, of transforming base metal (our reactions arising out of separateness) into gold (presence and felt oneness with all that is). To be and to abide in presence is indeed more precious than gold. We awaken into who we truly are. We awaken out of the bundle of preprogrammed reactions based in pain and separation. A whole new dimension of awareness opens up. A mirage is simply seen as a mirage, and the shadow as shadow. There is no doubt as to what is real. This abiding state of presence, unspoiled by the conditioning of this world, is the golden elixir of life. And it is not something that is far away, but rather, it is who we truly are.

Thus one begins to dance through life, as if intoxicated.

*** Teaching in Colorado Springs

I was invited to teach the level 1 course (IIMQ P1) in Colorado Springs, and I'm so excited to come out there to meet new people and to share all of these practices with a new community. I really enjoy the collective field created in classes, and look forward to total immersion for a few days in Colorado!
Dates and times for this adventure include Friday May 27 through Monday May 30, 9 am - 6 pm. This is a total of 32 hours of in depth training, Daoist medical theory, and application. Our location will be:
Tai Chi Boxing Association of Colorado Springs
For more information:

*** Calendar of Events

Medical Qigong Certification at Five Branches University, San Jose
Level 1 and Level 2, Fall Semester 2011
From 9 am - 6 pm, on the following Sundays:
Level 1: Aug 28, Sept 11 & 25, Oct 9
Level 2: Oct 23, Nov 6 & 13, Dec 4

Insight Meditation South Bay (IMSB)
With Tom Leichardt and Shaila Catherine
Both retreats will be held on Saturdays, from 9:30 am - 5 pm
* Nov 12, 2011
* Feb 11, 2012
For more information:

Thanks for reading this far!

May all beings be happy and peaceful. 
Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. 
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

Tom (Yogeshwar)

Where there is Love, there is no effort. 

Tom Leichardt, DMQ (China)